Pray for Mateo

Created on December 31, 2020

Your continued prayers over the years have been heard. Our son continues to grow in virtue and he has been working on walking without orthotics. This leap of faith has Mateo back in crutches and awaiting surgery on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.

Please offer prayers for him. May he find the strength and courage to undergo another surgery and recovery. May it be successful and grant him sustained range of motion at his ankles during walking. If it is God's will, let him walk with a heel strike.

Following surgery he will also be in casts for 6 weeks. As he does so, pray he is safe and able to endure the added weight without ankle pain. As he walks with casts, let him have faith that his brain can teach his body to walk.

God is good. He is merciful and kind. We thank Him for your faith and in His mercy continue to heal my son for His glory.
Our youngest son, Mateo, was born with Cerebral Palsy in 2007. When God chose Mateo to carry this cross, he also gave him countless gifts:

Fortitude - to endure mental and physical challenges
Charity - to give a smile to others through his daily trials
Wisdom - to ask for help when needed
Grace - to receive acts of mercy from others

God also gave him hope.

On January 21, 2021, Mateo underwent surgery at Saint Louis Children's Hospital. This medical miracle is an answer to countless prayers from Mateo, his family and friends. God is so good!

His only question upon hearing the news of this life changing surgery was, who will pray for me?

To the many who prayed as he prepared for and underwent surgery, thank you. In his mercy, God listened to the outpouring of hearts. Mateo was relieved of spasticity and an abundance of in person physical therapy was made possible.

This life changing journey continued at Mercy Hospital June of 2021 in St. Louis. Your prayers were heard once again. In His mercy and kindness, Mateo underwent surgery and recovery that gave him new, life changing, range of motion in his lower extremities.

God has given Mateo the opportunity to give his wheelchair, his walker and is forearm crutches a rest.

Thanks be to God! Mateo CAN walk independently with the assistance of orthotics. He attends Mass, receives the Eucharist, goes on short family outings and walks at school with minimal to no support.

Mateo's journey, for God's Glory, continues. Please pray for the absence pain at his ankle. Pray that Mateo can walk with his heels down without orthotics and allow him to retain the gifts of Fortitude, Charity, Wisdom and Grace.

Pray for Mateo's miraculous healing and continued faith in our Lord through prayer.

If you'd like, you can follow Mateo’s journey:

Visit Mateo's Site:
Site Name: prayformateo


Your continued prayers over the years have been heard. Our son continues to grow faith and virtue. He has also been working on walking WITHOUT orthotics. This leap of faith has Mateo back in crutches and awaiting surgery on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.

Please offer prayers for him. May he find the strength and courage to undergo another surgery and recovery. May it be successful and grant him sustained range of motion at his ankles during walking.

If it is God's will, let him walk with a heel strike.

Following surgery he will also be in casts for 6 weeks. As he does so, pray he is safe and able to endure the added weight without ankle pain. As he walks with casts, let him have faith that his brain can teach his body to walk.

God is good. He is merciful and kind. We thank Him for your faith and in His mercy continue to heal my son for His glory.

After seven long weeks, Mateo's cast came off June 28th.

He can stand and walk with his heels down using his walker, a wall or a friend for support. He has no ankle pain and is learning to teach his body how to walk without support. Thanks be to God!

It is a vision... God, in His mercy has answered our prayers. Your trust and hope in the Lord has fueled this journey. We are so very grateful for your faith.

As Mateo continues to explore his new range of motion and strengthen muscles that have been dormant his entire life, please say a little prayer in thanksgiving. May our dear Lord grant Mateo sustained, pain free range of motion so that he can continue to WALK through life for His glory!

May God bless you all the days of your life. God is glorious and good!

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